Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

From all of us at Maack Ministries, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!

It's still amazing to think that the Son of God (Jesus) would leave the perfect world of heaven and come down to this sinful world as a tiny baby not able to take care of himself. That's how much He loves us. He left everything for and we gave Him nothing. And He knew that before entering this planet.

Enjoy the family and friends, the food, and the gifts - especially the gift of everlasting life!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Simple Christmas

Nathan Maack just released his Christmas gift to everyone for 2008. Free Christmas arrangements played on the piano as only Nathan can. Listen to classic Christmas carols and songs that you have listened to and sung along with your entire life.

Presented in MP3 format, these songs can be listened to on the computer or can be saved onto your hard drive and burned onto your own CD or put on your MP3 player.

If you enjoy this gift, please e-mail Nathan at the e-mail address on the Christmas page and let him know. Tell everyone about the music for others to enjoy the sounds of Christmas.
